Airway Management

Airway managment devices are used to establish an airway for oxygenation and ventilation without entering the trachea.

Product Code Nappi Code Description
9064/100 640452 002 Paediatric HMEF Bacterial Viral Filter without catheter mount
9040/01 640453 002 Adult HMEF Bacterial Viral Filter without catheter mount
9064/11 667911 001 Paediatric HMEF bacterial Viral Filter with catheter mount
8866/100 640454 002 Adult HMEF Bacterial Viral Filter comfort fit
420 001 015 423918 001 Catheter mount smooth bore 15cm 22F double swivel
440 001 000 423921 001 Catheter mount extendable 15cm 22F double swivel
73663 558758 005 Catheter mount flex tube15cm 22F double swivel
30ETC 640546 001 Cuffed Size 3.0
35ETC 640547 001 Cuffed Size 3.5
40ETC 640548 001 Cuffed Size 4.0
45 ETC 640550 001 Cuffed Size 4.5
50ETC 640551 001 Cuffed Size 5.0
55ETC 640552 001 Cuffed Size 5.5
60ETC 640554 001 Cuffed Size 6.0
65ETC 640555 001 Cuffed Size 6.5
70ETC 640556 001 Cuffed Size 7.0
75ETC 640558 001 Cuffed Size 7.5
80ETC 640559 001 Cuffed Size 8.0
85ETC 640560 001 Cuffed Size 8.5
90ETC 640561 001 Cuffed Size 9.0
95ETC 640562 001 Cuffed Size 9.5
100ETC 640563 001 Cuffed Size 10
8700600 427482 001 Fixing Set ( 2 pads, 1 strip )
8700800 427483 001 Fixing Strip (no pads )
5104HS 640500 003 Size 000 (40mm) pink
5105HS 640501 003 Size 00 (50mm) Blue
5106HS 640502 003 Size 0 (60mm) Black
5107HS 640503 003 Size 1 (70mm) White
5108HS 640504 003 Size 2 ( 80mm) Green
5109HS 640505 003 Size 3 (90mm) yellow
5110HS 640507 003 Size 4 (100mm) Red
5111HS 640508 003 Size 5 (110mm) orange
700 000 000 411287 001 Spirometer Mediflo Duo Adult
700 100 000 411289 001 Spirometer Mediflo Duo Adult with nebuliser
700 200 000 411290 001 Sprometer Mediflo Duo Paediatric
2000MUC 424901 001 Mucous extractor Fg10
6000MUC 668300 001 Mucous extractor Fg06
2020A 579051 003 Oxygen Mask Adult with 2m tubing
2020P 579058 003 Oxygen mask Paediatric with 2m tubing
412100 427472 001 Oxygen Mask Adult variable venturi with 2m tubing
412100P 427474 001 Oxygen Mask Paediatric variable venturi with 2m tubing
412100NA 427475 001 Oxygen mask Adult variable venturi nebuliser with 2m tubing
2074SH 640491 003 Nebuliser mask Adult with tubing – Aeromist
3121HS 640489 003 Nebuliser mask Adult with tubing – Jet
3122HS 640490 003 Nebuliser Mask Paediatric – Jet
3583HS 427476 001 Tracheostomy mask Adult 2m tubing
3584HS 427477 001 Tracheostomy mask Paediatric 2m tubing
3591HS 640609 001 Tracheostomy mask Adult with venturi and 2m tubing
3592HS 640610 001 Tracheostomy mask Paediatric with venturi and 2m tubing
2103HS 640597 001 Laryngeal mask Size 3 Paediatric 30 – 50kg
2104HS 640598 001 Laryngeal mask Size 4 Adult 50 – 70Kg
2105HS 640599 001 Laryngeal mask Size 5 Adult 70 – 100Kg
3021HS 427479 001 Rebreathing oxygen mask Adult 2m tubing
3022HS 427480 001 Rebreathing oxygen mask Paediatric 2m tubing
2046HS 640614 001 Anaesthetic mask with valve Size 0
2047HS 640615 001 Anaesthetic mask with valve Size 1
2048HS 640616 001 Anaesthetic mask with valve Size 2
2049HS 640612 001 Anaesthetic mask with valve Size 3
2050HS 640613 001 Anaesthetic mask with valve Size 4
2051HS 640617 001 Anaesthetic mask with valve Size 5
560 2001 2 558808 003 Nasal twin cannulae – Adult
560 2001 6 579027 001 Nasal twin cannulae – Paediatric / infant
2016A 579035 004 Oxygen twin nasal set – Adult
2016P 579043 007 Oxygen twin nasal set – Paediatric
200 559472 009 Tubing ID 3mm x OD 5mm
201 559479 009 Tubing ID 5mm x OD 8mm
202 559480 013 Tubing ID 5mm x OD 10mm
203 559487 013 Tubing ID 6mm x OD 10mm
204 559495 008 Tubing ID 6mm x OD 11mm
205 559506 008 Tubing ID 8mm x OD 11mm
205A   Tubing ID 8mm x OD 13mm
206 559514 012 Tubing ID 6mm x OD 13mm
20225 579074 002 5ch Finger tip control
20226 579074 002 6ch finger tip control
20228 579074 002 8ch Finger tip control
202210 579074 002 10ch Finger tip control
202212 579074 002 12ch finger tip control
202214 579074 002 14ch Finger tip control
202216 579074 002 16ch Finger tip control
202218 579074 002 18ch Finger tip control
188 05 251 640493 003 5ch metric demarcated with vac control
188 06 251 640494 003 6ch metric demarcated with vac control
188 08 251 640495 003 8ch metric demarcated with vac control
188 10 251 640496 003 10ch metric demarcated with vac control
188 12 251 640497 003 12ch metric demarcated with vac control
188 14 251 640498 003 14ch metric demarcated with vac control
188 16 251 640499 003 16ch metric demarcated with vac control
191 06 111 579074 002 6ch Thumb control
191 08 111 579074 002 8ch Thumb control
191 10 111 579074 002 10ch Thumb control
191 12 111 579074 002 12ch Thumb control
191 14 111 579074 002 14ch Thumb control
191 16 111 579074 002 16ch Thumb control
191 18 111 579074 002 18ch Thumb control
20050T 640602 001 Size 5ch with swivel and control valve lock
20051T 640604 001 Size 6ch with swivel and control valve lock
20052T 640605 001 Size 8ch with swivel and control valve lock
20033T 640606 001 Size 10ch with swivel and control valve lock
20034T 640607 001 Size 12ch with swivel and control valve lock
20035T 640608 001 Size 14ch with swivel and control valve lock
52110050 640588 001 Size 5.0 cuffed
52110055 640589 001 Size 5.5 cuffed
52110060 640590 001 Size 6.0 cuffed
52110065 640591 001 Size 6.5 cuffed
52110070 640592 001 Size 7.0 cuffed
52110075 640593 001 Size 7.5 cuffed
52110080 640594 001 Size 8.0 cuffed
52110085 640595 001 Size 8.5 cuffed
52110090 640596 001 Size 9.0 cuffed
Smooth Bore Circuits
550 000 150 640568 001 Adult 150cm soft connectors 22mm
550 000 180 423932 001 Adult 180cm soft connectors 22mm
501 000 150 640567 001 Paediatric 150cm soft connectors 15mm
501 000 180 423932 001 Paediatric 180cm soft connectors 15mm
552 000 120 423 934 001 Neonatal 120cm soft connectors 10mm
552 000 150 423938 001 Neonatal 150cm soft connectors 10mm
550 050 020 423 941 001 Adult 80/80/60cm with water traps
501 050 020 423944 001 Paediatric 80/80/60cm with water traps
540 050 010 423948 001 Adult, one water trap, one heated wire, 22mm soft connector
540 060 010 423952 001 Adult, two water traps, dual heated wires, 22mm connectors
541 050 010 423922 001 Paediatric, one water trap, one heated wire, 150 cm
541 060 010 423923 001 Paediatric, two water traps, dual heated wire 150cm
EVA Corrugated circuits
550 100 150 423924 001 Adult 150cm soft connector 22mm
550 100 180 423924 001 Adult 180cm soft connectors 22mm
550 200 225 691734 001 Adult, extendable 225cm soft connectors 22mm
550 148 150 640566 001 Adult, one water trap, 150cm soft connectors 22mm
500 150 020 423926 001 Adult, two water traps, 80/80/60 soft connectors 22mm
551 100 150 423928 001 Paediatric,150cm soft connectors 15mm
551 100 180 423929 001 Paediatric, 180cm sofet connectors 15mm
551 200 225 423930 001 Paediatric extendable 225cm soft connectors 15mm
551 148 150 423916 001 Paediatric, one water trap, 150cm soft connectors 15mm
501 150 020 423917 001 Paediatric, two water traps 80/80/60cm, soft connectors
5014GS 640443 003 Standard Tip – Combo- with and without vac control
5014GR 640444 003 Rose Tip – Combo – with / without vac control
161 000 11 640434 003 Rose tip without vac control
161 100 11 640435 003 Rose tip with vac control
160 100 11 640436 003 Standard tip with vac control
5014B 640438 003 Standard Tip FINE (2 eyes)with vac control
5014A 640437 003 Standard Tip MIDI ( 6 eyes)with vac control
5014ABC 640440 003 Standard Tip MAXI (6 eyes ) with vac control
5014MINI 640439 003 Standard Tip MINI (16cm) with vac control
5014MIB 640442 003 Rose Tip MIDI with vac control
641110 427469 001 Rose Tip with variable vac control
NB: 5014GS and 5014GR are units that offer both with and without vac control in a single unit.
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14001 Fake Street NW,
Washington, DC 20036
Hotline - (202) 555-5555

Opening Hours

Monday : 8am–6pm
Tuesday : 8am–6pm
Wednesday : 8am–6pm
Thursday : 8am–6pm
Friday : 10am–4pm

Check Schedule